Academic Journals
Female Labour, Status and Decision Power
with V. Gille (Univ. Paris Dauphine) and F. Maniquet (Univ. Catholique Louvain)
Vol. 90 (358) pp453-476 [link]
Journal of International Development
Climbing the Economic Ladder: The Role of Microfinance Institutions in Promoting Entrepreneurship in Pakistan
with F. Fareed (IMF) and J. Lochard (Univ. Paris Est Créteil Erudite)
Global Business Review
Estimating Skill Mismatch in the Indian Labour Market: a Regional Dimension
with S. Gooptu (Jadavpur Univ.) and S. Roy Chowdhury (International Management Institute Kolkatta)
Journal of African Economies
Journal of Comparative Economics
Journal of Development Studies
European Journal of Development Research
Revue d'économie du développement
Land Tenure Insecurity as Investment Incentive: The Case of Migrant Cocoa Farmers and Settlers in Ivory Coast
with A. Desdoigts (Univ. Paris 1) and H. Kouadio (ENSEA Abidjan)
Vol. 28 (2) pp147-175 [link]
Untouchability, Homicides and Water Access
with M. Couttenier (U. Lausanne)
Vol. 43 (3) pp 549-555 [link]
Confidence in Public Bodies and Electoral Participation in India
with V.K. Borooah (Univ. Ulster)
Vol. 25 pp 555-583 [link]
The Burden of Caste on Social Identity in India
Vol. 50 (10) pp 1411-1429 [link]
Impact de la fragmentation sociale sur la production de biens publics: polarisation et patronage en Uttar Pradesh et au Bihar
Vol. 24 (3) pp49-78 [link]
Book Chapters
Eds. N.V. Varghese & M. Khare
Education, Skills mismatch and Wage Differentials
with S.R. Chowdhury (IMI Kolkatta) & S. Gooptu
in India Higher Education Report 2020: Employment and Employability of Higher Education Graduates in India [link]
Eds. R. Bhattacharyya, A. Ghosh Dastidar & S. Sikdar
Riding the Wave or Going Under? The Covid-19 Pandemic and Trust in Governments
In The Covid-19 Pandemic, India and the World; Economic and Social Policy Perspectives [link]
Technical Reports
Institut Français des Relations Internationales
75 millions de nouveaux pauvres en Inde: le modèle de développement indien à l'épreuve du Covid-19
Asie Visions n°121, juin 2021 [link]